Norman Ingham, a well-known sailor from Wardley, completed a remarkable journey in July 2024. He sailed his Maurice Griffiths-designed Golden Hind from Wardley’s Creek to Stornoway and back. This challenging voyage, considered one of the year’s longest and most daring club member cruises, was completed in a series of manageable one-day legs. The route traversed the Irish Sea, through the Northern Passage, and into the rugged Western Isles of Scotland, providing breathtaking views at every turn.
Norman was accompanied by Terry, a long-time marine mechanic, who proved himself more than capable of handling the challenges of the sea. The weather, typical of Scotland, was unpredictable, prompting them to stay an extra day in a remote Scottish fishing village at times. Nevertheless, the journey offered days of clear blue skies and unmatched seascapes, leaving lasting memories throughout the passage.