Heavy weather pint at the Ship Inn – July 2016.

On a windy day, Wardley’s Member Simon Ellis had the mad-cap idea of sailing over to the Ship Inn in his Sailfish 18 “Peter Duck”

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Can you find the Ship Inn?

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Blowy return on the Sunday.

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John Gorse rightly worried by such a folly, kindly offered the services of his much larger and more able Westerly 25.

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Tidal Chart for Saturday 9 July 2016.

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So off they set for a not so quick pint at the Ship.

John at the helm.

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Simon (adding way-points into John’s GPS).

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The sea state was rough.

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Big waves everywhere. The Lancashire coast just a distant memory.

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It was a scary couple of days to say the least.

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They made it to the Ship Inn, but the weather was nothing like this photo!

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Yacht Matonas Marris on the mud outside the pub.

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Westerly 25: –

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See the You Tube video : –

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